Hair & Beauty Treatment Claims

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Hair & Beauty Treatment Claims

Hair & Beauty Treatment Claims

Had a treatment gone wrong? We can help

Hair and Beauty Salons have seen a massive growth on our High Street and the beauty industry has experienced an unprecedented growth. The constant pressure from TV, media and social media sites to always look our best and strive for the unobtainable has fuelled this demand.

However, it also comes with an increasing number of injuries caused by hair and beauty therapists failing to properly assess the suitability of clients for specific treatments. Often, treatments are not carried out by a competent stylist/therapist or the products used may be unsuitable or inferior. The lack of statutory regulation in the UK industry does not promote or safeguard against a responsibility against client negligence and has been criticised by safety campaigners.

There are numerous potential causes of accidents for which hair and beauty salon proprietors can ultimately be held legally liable. We understand that when things go wrong it can be a very distressing time and often the client feels foolish for not checking the qualifications and experience of the person performing the treatment beforehand. In reality clients assume the stylist/therapist knows what they’re doing and simply don’t expect to be injured from what may be regarded as a straightforward procedure.

Contact our expert team for free and reliable legal advice if you have been injured at a salon and believe that the stylist/therapist and/or salon was responsible.

Learn more about the team, Phillip Doyle, Jordan Shard and Jacob Doyle who will be dealing with matters on our Meet the Team page here.